Event date: 28 January - 01 February, 2019

Getting Streetwise! A week devoted to staying safe.

Events, General, Junior School, News, Pastoral, Senior School, Sixth Form

Monday 28 January – Friday 1 February 2019

Streetwise Week is a whole week of activities dedicated to staying safe online and when we’re out and about.

There will be special workshops delivered by guest speakers, teaching staff and students, all with the aim of promoting a culture of safe decision-making and supporting students to stay safe online, on their own, or when they are out with friends.

All girls will have a chance to participate in activities from self-defence and mobile phone safety, to learning about the science behind risk-taking. It promises to be a useful and fascinating week.


Follow our QR code trail to collect useful facts about staying safe. Here is the first of 13 codes to find around the school. Prizes to all successful code hunters!

Follow our QR code trail to collect useful facts about staying safe. Here is the first of 13 codes to find around the school. Prizes to all successful code hunters!

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