Posted: 7 June, 2023

Year 8 goes to work!

Careers, Community, News, Senior School

Year 8 took part in the ‘Take your Daughter to Work Scheme’ on Monday as part of their careers education. They spent the day in an incredibly wide variety of workplaces gaining early insight into the world of work and igniting their motivation and curiosity about future opportunities.

Pupils were on the lookout for transferable skills and will now spend time reflecting on and sharing their experiences in form time. Mrs Clegg was delighted to receive so many smiley selfies to help mark the day.

Thank you to all parents who helped facilitate a really enjoyable and worthwhile experience!

I really enjoyed the whole day but one of my favourite moments was when we were invited into the Heart studio and met the presenter.
I really enjoyed the whole day but one of my favourite moments was when we were invited into the Heart studio and met the presenter.
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