Posted: 3 February, 2020

Year 8 BAFTAs – Thinking outside the box!

General, Senior School

The Year 8 BAFTA Awards are an opportunity to think outside the box and respond to an issue in an entirely new way.

The challenge is split into 5 award categories, designed to provide pupils with the opportunity to explore their creativity and work on a project independently and in a style of their choice.

BAFTAs are awarded to students who respond to the task in any way that is appropriate, and that demonstrate they have considered the subtleties of their chosen category.

Example Topics

Choose one of the following topics, read the article and build your response using any of the five award categories:

  1. Iceland Christmas Advert on Palm Oil Banned
  2. Trump and Kim Jong-Un meet to discuss denuclearisation of Asian Peninsula
  3. British Schoolgirl Shamima Begum who joined IS now ‘wants to come home’:
  • Film Award – make a film
  • Radio Award – make a podcast or audio clip
  • Written Award – create a piece of written work
  • Art Award – create a 2D artwork
  • Mystery Award – anything goes!

Winners from each BAFTA category receive gift vouchers and a certificate at the award ceremony at the end of the year.

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