Posted: 20 March, 2019

Year 10 Art Trip – Kew Gardens

Arts, News, Senior School, Trips

Kew Gardens was an inspiring choice for the Year 10 Art Trip giving students the opportunity to do some observational drawing and take photographs for their new natural form sculpture project.

“I really enjoyed the year 10 art trip to Kew Gardens because it was a great opportunity to draw natural forms as well as see an amazing variety of plants from around the world. I feel that throughout the day I built my confidence in using different media and sketching unusual shapes. My favourite part of the day was when we visited the Princess of Wales Conservatory. I really liked the design of the building as well as the cacti and carnivorous plants inside. I would recommend the trip to any future GCSE art students as I found it invaluable, interesting and fun.”

Jasmine (Year 10)

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