Posted: 3 May, 2020

Wellbeing in Times of Lockdown

Blog, Celebration, General, News, Pastoral, Senior School, Sixth Form

Looking after one another, and ourselves, has always been at the heart of everything we do at Putney High School. Good physical and psychological health are fundamental to life in our positive and happy school and the advent of Coronavirus hasn’t changed that, if anything, it has put renewed focus on the importance of wellbeing.  

The indomitable Putney spirit has meant that we’ve all adapted quickly to the new challenges posed by lockdown and online learning. There has been enormous creativity and I’m happy to say, a great deal of good humour in getting to grips with our “new normal”. 

From Tim Castle’s Classics lessons beamed from his green screen Roman Forum, to virtual world tours and Physics trips, online dance club and debating, we are all finding innovative ways to learn and come together, almost as we are used to doing. 

That’s not to say that we aren’t all missing our friends and classmates. Connections, albeit usually now via Teams or Zoom, are an essential way to keep spirits up, laughing and chatting with friendly faces, and reminding us of the community of which we are a part. 

So what better time for our annual “Wellbeing Within” week to roll around? With so much time being spent in front of our screens, this week’s annual celebration of all things “wellbeing” (4-7 May) puts even more focus on finding a healthy balance with time spent away from them. 

There are so many calming and uplifting activities that we can enjoyaway from our desks throughout the day and making the most of time spent at home with our families. We have a fun-filled schedule of positive, energising, and relaxing suggestions for daily wellbeing available on the Wellbeing pages of Firefly, based on our themed days and the overarching theme of kindness — the theme of mental health awareness week this month.   

We have also shared some tool cards from The Positive Schools Programme, organized in the four modules of Awareness, Focus, Mindset and Connection. Each introduces practical knowledge and tools that normalise our response to stress and pressure, increase emotional literacy, self and social awareness. 

The Head Girl Team and Student Wellbeing Representatives are helping to keep positivity levels high by leading Virtual Assemblies and running popular online clubs such as Knit Wits!  Tutor Times and PSHE lessons are being geared towards enhancing wellbeing in ways that are relevant and meaningful in the current times, such as addressing Fake News.  

Above all, this is the time to focus on the simple things: remembering to hydrateto exercise; to eat and sleep healthilythese basic things make such a difference when we you are stuck insideEven the lessons learnt at school through our Biophilic Classroom study have taught us that by bringing thnatural world indoors, with plants and views of nature, we can improve our environment, our focus and our mood. So get nurturing those pot plants! 

Happy Wellbeing Within week. Inside and out, we are all in this together! 


Evergreen Armstrong

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