Posted: 26 February, 2019

Spanish Trip to Costa Rica – Pura Vida 2019!

General, News, Senior School, Trips

Twenty six girls and three teachers headed off again to Costa Rica for the half term Spanish language trip, to enjoy a week of new experiences.

There were 20 hours of lessons in a language school complete with hammocks and palm trees, there was flying through the forest on a zip wire, and of course kayaking across the sea to the island of Chora where they could snorkel and eat fresh pineapple.

The group also enjoyed surfing lessons in the warm waters as well as salsa and bracelet making classes, and a bonfire on the beach!

Pura vida!

Inspired by her experience, Loren B in Year 11 wrote the following poem:



de celoso porque toda mi familia y mis amigos que no están aquí están muy celosos de mí.


de oír. Aqui se pueden oír muchos sonidos como las canciones de los pájaros y el aullido de los monos.


de sol porque brilla cada día y por lo tanto hace mucho calor.


de triste. Voy a estar muy triste de salir de Costa Rica porque me han encantado mis vacaciones aquí.


de amable como la gente de este país. Siempre sonríen y te hablan como si fueras amigos.



de rápido porque el tiempo que pasé aquí pasó rápidamente.


de idioma. Vine aquí para mejorar mi español y ¡misión cumplida!


de calor. Hizo mucho calor durante mi estancia aqui así que cuando vuelva a Inglaterra ¡voy a tener mucho frío!


de amor porque me encanta este país y espero volver aquí un día.

for jealous because all my family and friends who aren’t here are very jealous of me.

for hearing. Here you can hear a lot of sounds like birdsongs and the monkeys’ cries.

for Sun because it shines everyday and therefore it’s really hot.

for sad. I’m going to be very sad leaving Costa Rica because I have loved my holidays here.

for nice like the people of this country. They always smile and talk to you as if you were friends.


for rapid because my time spent here has gone by rapidly.

for language. I came here to improve my Spanish and mission fulfilled!

for heat. It was very hot throughout my stay here so when I go back to England I’m going to be very cold!

for love because I love this country and I hope to come back here one day.

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