Music, Art & Drama


Music forms an integral role in the life of the school with singing in harmony and musical performance developed from an early age.

More than a quarter of girls are involved in extra-curricular music ensembles, which include Orchestra, Wind Band and Guitar Group. Over 90% of Key Stage 2 girls learn one or more musical instruments, from drums, oboe and flute to ukelele, viola and harp. There is an open invitation to perform in assembly, boosting confidence and nurturing a love of performance.

Music Tech Club introduces pupils to the world of creative music-making through designing a soundtrack, radio shows and film trailers.



From Mayan mask-making and batik workshops to lino-printing and pottery using our onsite kiln, art encourages self-expression, innovation and imagination, building confidence in all age groups as they bring their imaginings to life.

Visiting artists, workshops and co-curricular clubs offer a wealth of inspiration and, as their skills develop, there are opportunities to design and make outfits for the Recycle Ball (Year 5) and to use sewing machines to make Indian-inspired cushions (Year 6).


From EYFS, with their imaginative, ‘Little World’ role play areas, to our Peter Pan-themed Junior School Gym and Dance display, drama is woven into the fabric of our pupils’ learning.

  • LAMDA – More than 90% received distinctions for speaking verse and prose grades 1-2
  • English Speaking Board – All pupils received either a merit or distinction
  • Drama workshops – Opportunities such as Victorian School life bring history alive
  • The Globe visit for Year 6 – Pupils are immersed in the world of Shakespeare
  • West End choreographer – Pupils work with professionals for their Year 3 & Year 4 and Year 6 productions
  • Musical Theatre Club – This morning club starts the day on a musical high!