We value our alumnae community hugely and hope that, whatever you are doing now, you will enjoy being part of our alumnae network. Stay in touch with friends, tell us your news, and above all, remain a part of the ongoing life of our school.

Reunions – reconnect and reminisce
We welcome back alumnae at our all year-reunions and every year we host specific 5 and 10 year reunions. These events are a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and teachers. If your year group is at a different milestone and you would like to organise a reunion, do get in touch. Contact: alumnae@put.gdst.net.
If there is one thing that Putney High has taught me is ‘Don’t just work hard, work smart.’ Sometimes you need to take a step back to see the bigger opportunity, create your vision and set manageable goals to achieve it. Rachel Prince (née Jones) Founder of re|Born online women’s wellness service

Stay in touch – events & celebrations
Your student days may be behind you, but you will always be a part of the Putney family. We love to see and hear from our former pupils and hold events and celebrations throughout the year at which you are warmly welcome.
What’s On?

Putney High Choral Society – making music
Now in our fourth year, Putney High Choral Society goes from strength to strength with several events planned for the coming academic year. Please come and join us - whatever your level of musical ability, you will be warmly welcomed!

Support the school
We are so grateful to our many alumnae who give back to their school, with their time and/or with financial support.

Share your experience
As a Putney alumna, you are a great source of experience and inspiration to those that follow you.
We hold regular talks, working breakfasts and careers events for current pupils and hope that you will enjoy returning to the school to inform and inspire the many who follow in your footsteps.
If you would like to take part, in whatever way you can, we would love to hear from you.