The Compass Careers Programme

We want all our pupils to be interested in and excited about careers from an early age, so we hold a host of talks, workshops and events to start them thinking about the opportunities that await them. Skills based careers research and education begins in Year 7.

The Compass Careers programme is designed to ensure that students get used to thinking about their future from the very start of their time at Putney High School. The programme starts in Year 7 and each year builds upon the last. Students receive age-appropriate career information and are well supported at key transition points. As part of the programme, students have access to bespoke tools to gain up to date career information as well as meaningful interaction with employers.

From inspirational talks about the careers of the future, to writing a stand-out personal statement; from professional support for those hoping to embark on careers in Medicine or Law, to careers “speed dating” workshops and entrepreneurship competitions and clubs; our knowledgeable team and well-resourced careers department are the first port of call for the inquisitive and the ambitious.

Placements & Experience

Work experience is a key way to get insight and experience of real life roles. In Year 11, students are encouraged to explore potential careers and employers, and take up placements in fields as diverse as the STEM industries, publishing and the British Army.

Students are offered the opportunity to join online insight events such as with, IBM, PWC Siemens, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, GSK, BP & Vodafone among others.

Prospective Medics take part in the GDST-wide one day Medicine conference and there are also bespoke events for those looking to pursue Law or Engineering.


Our regular alumnae lunches are an important way that our leavers give back to the school, sharing their experience of university and chosen career paths and giving valuable insights and advice to those that may wish to follow their footsteps.

Putney students are given a lifetime’s access to Morrisby, a careers advisory service and as members of the GDST alumnae network, they have access to the Rungway app, with its excellent training and networking opportunities.

Click here to read more about our alumnae community

Compass Careers Programme

From Year 7 to Year 13, students receive tailored careers advice.

Whole School Approach

Careers Fairs

The Careers Fair celebrates a wide range of traditional and non-traditional career pathways. Students are able to have meaningful interactions with employers as well as take part in a range of workshops and talks.

Annual Careers Week

A week of career-focused activities to ensure students get used to thinking about their future. Activities include competitions, skills workshops, quizzes and Alumnae interviews.

Unifrog Platform

Students sign up to Unifrog in Year 7 and use the tool to help them track their career interests throughout their time at Putney. They use the site to log their activities and competencies assisting them with University applications and CVs.

Career Guidance Meetings 

Students are able to book 1:1 guidance meetings from Year 10 upwards.

Careers Team Channel

From Year 10 upwards, students have access to the Careers Team where work experience opportunities and career events are shared.

Year 7

From the very start of a student’s time at Putney High School they are introduced to the careers programme; exploring possibilities and learning about self awareness. They have a series of PSHE talks about careers and self reflection, hear from parent speakers, and are introduced the the Unifrog careers platform available for their use throughout life at Putney.

Year 8

In Year 8, students revisit the Unifrog platform, have lessons and talks about careers for the future and the role of women in the workplace and take part in Learn to Earn workshops.

Learn to Earn motivates students by encouraging them to consider financial plans for the future, set goals and think about their future study options.

Year 9

Year 9 students update their Unifrog profile and utilise the site to help with their GCSE choices. Students are encouraged to ask the questions; How do we make decisions? and What impact can decisions made now have on our future? They are introduced to the idea of transferrable skills in the workplace.

Students set up their Morrisby account and begin shaping thoughts about future career and how GCSE options feed into this.

The GCSE Options Evening acts as a further information source and supports students with their choices.

Year 10

Careers lessons focus on skills required for entrepreneurship and enterprise and how to foster an entrepreneurial mindset with students partaking in the Tenner Challenge.

The Tenner Challenge is a free national challenge for students aged 11-18. Over the course of four weeks, students will use £10 pledges to get their student business ideas off the ground. It’s an interactive programme that helps students to develop key employability skills including creativity, resilience, and problem solving.

There are careers speed networking events for students to interact with with speakers from a range of backgrounds and industries and so beginning their networking journey.

Year 11

In Year 11, the focus turns to the world of work, preparing students for work experience and what to expect in the work place and how to conduct themselves.

Students complete Morrisby careers profiling and have following 1:1 appointments with career advisors, complete work experience and take part in workshops for CV and cover letter writing.

The A level options evening provides career support for Year 11 students and the ‘speed networking’ events provide further exposure to people from a range of careers.


Year 12

Interview skills and applications to higher education facilities are the focus of careers in Year 12. Students take part in mock interviews and learn the importance of soft skills.

Year 13

In Year 13 the focus for careers is on transition skills. Students take part in workshops which focus on how to secure internships and work experience and the importance of career tools such as LinkedIn.

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