Posted: 6 June, 2019

Alumna & Teacher, Miss Fabian returns to Putney

Alumnae, Guests, Junior School, News, Reunion

Putney alumna and ex-Junior School teacher, Rosalind Fabian, returns to Putney High School.

Years 3 – 6 were excited to have a visit from Rosalind Fabian this week, who returned to Putney to talk about her time as a pupil in Lytton House.

Miss Fabian left the school in 1966 but returned to teach Year 3 from 1969 – 2002.

The girls were delighted to hear her speak about Lytton house as it was in the 1960s, when the school hall was a music room and girls did art every afternoon, and the kindergarten was housed in what is now the Junior Library.  They also heard her reminisce about the school guinea pigs – a boys’ hutch, a girls’ hutch and even a maternity hutch!



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