ISI Inspection Report
“Pupils love to learn and to challenge themselves intellectually, physically and creatively,” the latest ISI inspection of Putney High School has concluded.
Excellent in every category
Giving the school the top ranking of ‘excellent’ in both categories, inspectors noted that pupils are ‘highly motivated and aspirational learners’, with pupils of all ages ‘unafraid to face intellectual challenge’ and ‘embracing the school’s culture of curiosity and initiative.’
The report, which follows the inspection in April 2023, states the: “Consistent pattern of excellent academic attainment is indicative of the very high quality of teaching and learning.”
It adds that pupils are ‘highly motivated and determined to be the intellectual, intrepid and innovative learners of the school’s values’. It notes: ‘There are excellent relationships between pupils and staff, characterised by mutual respect, kindness and courtesy.’

Key Findings
- The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.
- Pupils of all ages achieve at extremely high levels in academic and extra-curricular activities.
- Pupils’ attitudes to their learning are outstanding, as seen in their eagerness to extend their understanding beyond lessons through independent research.
- Pupils have excellent study skills; they are highly perceptive and confident in analysing and synthesizing material.
The consistent pattern of excellent academic attainment is indicative of the very high quality of teaching and learning.
— ISI Report 2023

- Pupils show excellent levels of self-confidence, self-assurance and understanding of how to improve their own learning.
- Pupils are confident decision-makers who take responsibility for managing their learning and are unafraid to seek support as necessary.
- Pupils have a deeply felt commitment to issues of diversity and equality within the school and society.
- Pupils have an excellent sense of morally acceptable behaviour.
Academic and other achievements

Teaching, Learning and Results
- The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.
- Pupils achieve GCSE and A-level results significantly above those expected on entry.
- The consistent pattern of excellent academic attainment is indicative of the very high quality of teaching and learning.
- A very large majority both of parents and of pupils expressed satisfaction with pupils’ education and progress.
- Pupils are excellent at working collaboratively in pairs or small groups.
Pupils are well able to think beyond the obvious and are encouraged to do so, with a consequent positive impact on their levels of achievement.
—ISI Report 2023

STEM Skills
- Mathematics is a real strength of the school and pupils are highly competent mathematicians who take genuine pleasure in the intellectual challenge of numbers.
- Scientific knowledge and curiosity are evident throughout the school.
- Pupils are highly confident and competent in using information and communication technology (ICT).
Scientific knowledge and curiosity are evident throughout the school.
—ISI Report 2023

Communication and Oracy
- Pupils have excellent communication skills.
- Children in Reception eagerly discussed mini-beasts using mature vocabulary as they referred to predators, prey and habitats.
- In the Senior School, pupils show excellent awareness of the power of language and demonstrate their ability to write in a clear, fluent and sophisticated style. They are highly articulate whether speaking in English or in a foreign language. They are assured and compelling speakers.
- Pupils’ skill in public speaking is fostered by a culture which actively encourages pupils to articulate their own opinions while respecting those of others.
There are excellent relationships between pupils and staff, characterised by mutual respect, kindness and courtesy.
—ISI Report 2023

Attitude to Learning
- The pupils’ attitude to learning is outstanding. The school is highly successful in encouraging pupils to develop the scholarly, bold, intrepid approach of its aims. Pupils are highly motivated and aspirational learners.
- Sixth Form pupils spoke of choosing topics of research projects beyond their own A-level subjects. They take the initiative in researching and reading for themselves, embracing the school’s culture of curiosity and initiative.
- Pupils across the school fearlessly make suggestions in class, knowing that making mistakes is a positive step towards learning.
- Pupils develop excellent study skills. They approach open-ended challenges with vigour and determination.
- Pupils are well able to think beyond the obvious and are encouraged to do so, with a consequent positive impact on their levels of achievement.
The quality of music-making throughout the school…is excellent.
—ISI Report 2023

Co-curricular Achievement
- Pupils achieve at excellent levels in activities beyond the classroom with considerable success in academic competitions.
- The pupils love to learn and to challenge themselves intellectually, physically and creatively, thus demonstrating the school’s success in achieving its aim of encouraging intellectual curiosity.
- The quality of music-making throughout the school…is excellent.
Pupils develop excellent study skills. They approach open-ended challenges with vigour and determination.
—ISI Report 2023
Personal Development

Individual Development
- The quality of pupil’s personal development is excellent.
- Pupils’ self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-discipline are exceptionally well-developed. They are highly motivated and they are determined to be the intellectual, intrepid and innovative learners of the school’s values.
- Pupils show highly developed awareness of the importance of making wise decisions.
- Pupils’ sense of self esteem is further developed by the range of opportunities within the curriculum and the extensive extra curricular programme, so that all pupils can find something which they can enjoy and in which they succeed.
Pupils show highly developed awareness of the importance of making wise decisions.
—ISI Report 2023

Community Relationships and Collaboration
- There are excellent relationships between pupils and staff, characterised by mutual respect, kindness and courtesy.
- Behaviour throughout the school is exemplary.
- Pupils have an excellent sense of morally acceptable behaviour.
- Pupils have the maturity to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and an understanding of their responsibilities to others as members of the school community.
- Pupils show an excellent capacity to collaborate and work together effectively.
Pupils are ‘highly articulate whether speaking in English or in a foreign language.’
—ISI Report 2023

Learning Enrichment
Pupils with SEND and EAL achieve at least as well as their peers, well supported by the school’s learning enrichment department.
Senior pupils feel strongly that the school encourages them to be themselves, whatever that self is.
—ISI Report 2023

Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion
- Pupils have a deeply felt commitment to issues of diversity and equality within the school and society.
- Senior pupils feel strongly that the school encourages them to be themselves, whatever that self is.
- Pupils have an excellent understanding of how to stay safe and healthy, physically and mentally. They are astute in managing their online usage thanks to teaching which re-enforces the message on internet safety frequently.
- There is a caring and holistic approach to the health and wellbeing of pupils, who are supported academically and emotionally by the school’s pastoral team.
- Pupils’ genuine respect for diversity in all its forms is clearly evident.
As part of the Educational Quality Inspection, inspectors made two recommendations, advising the school to:
- Ensure that pupils develop skills when working in larger groups without teacher direction so that all are involved equally in the task.
- Take steps to develop pupils’ ability to appreciate further the importance of the non-material in contributing to a full and successful life.
The report concludes:
‘There is a caring and holistic approach to the health and wellbeing of pupils, who are supported academically and emotionally by the school’s pastoral team.’
ISI Inspection Report 2019 ISI Inspection Report 2015